Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

The Best Day of 2014

 photo boys_zpsed62ed69.jpg photo boat_zps21627455.jpg photo closeup_zpseff6b3e7.jpg photo anotherplace1_zpsc2423454.jpg photo legs_zps77cec6e7.jpg photo reflection_zps6cb66d90.jpg photo still_zpsb453110e.jpg photo Crosby_zpsa4f2fb13.jpg photo seaholly_zps348efda1.jpg
I've been looking back through some of my photos of 2014 and found these of a day out in Liverpool in August. We wandered past The Cavern Club, around the Albert Docks and then headed to Crosby beach to see Antony Gormley's Another Place. With 2 teenage boys a family day trip is a rare event. We won our lovely boys over with promises of finding cool music stores and a fish and chip supper in a seaside cafe. Eating out is always a winner with teenage boys and you're never too old to visit an ice cream van. In between we sneaked in a bit of art and a stroll along the beach. My boys failed to fake interest but my camera thought pish to that and was in a playful mood. Not a perfect day but a perfectly typical family day out with the usual highs and lows. We all took something away from it, I hope. 

Thank you to Susannah Conway's inspiration for this post and Heather for drawing my attention to the December Reflections project. It's something I shall dip in and out of this month. 

How's your December going? Not too hectic, I hope. 

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