Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

Fourth Sunday of Advent and Hello Darkness

The fourth Sunday of Advent has arrived and with it the winter solstice. Preparing for Christmas and celebrating the wonder of the natural world. Here are some highlights.

Our bauble free Christmas tree. How magical are Christmas trees?
We spent this morning in the kitchen. The sherry was open - couldn't quite wait 'til Christmas.
First attempt at clementines in caramel. Not quite there yet. Caramel takes confidence.
Our eldest son is home from uni. And his washing and his music. Love it. 
Time for a Sunday roast and gravy has been made in advance for Christmas day.
Lighting the fourth Advent candle at home - now hiding on the sill behind the tree.
An evening carol service.
Home to light more candles. 
Dad has been in hospital this week. He was home after 3 days. So grateful.

Hope you are well. Not signing off for Christmas yet - I will be back before the big day xo

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