Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

A lil short update + MERRY X'MAS ALL!!

Hello guys!!!!
I know I haven't been updating this space as often anymore and I am guilty as charged :(

So... just a lil bit of update that I've been up to ever since I came back from Bali!! I'm pretty much Singapore-bound these few weeks hahahah boohoo :( I miss my non-stop travelling days~

On somedays, I'm out for work - meeting sponsors/snapping pictures for advertorials etc.

Sometimes, I'll meet my friends and we'll go food-hunting. I'm hungry 24/7.

Sometimes, I'll go for gatherings and get to meet new awesome people!! Here's a recent Christmas Gathering organised by Nuffnang/Churpchurp! Very happy to be friends with these like-minded people :)
Until today, I am still so ever thankful to be part of this amazing Nuffnang family! :)

On somedays.... I'll go on dates. Hahahahahahhaha :)
Ps: don't ask me anything regarding who I am dating/how many guys I'm dating etc, cuz i'm likely not to answer anything related to my love life as of now. :)

Sometimes, I'll also meet my favourite girlies up for parties!!!
Throwback to those crazy 2 days at Zoukout!! Thank you Heineken and Nuffnang for the tickets :)

Most of the time.......
I am actually just at home 24/7 sleeping till 2pm in the afternoon. HAHAHAHAHA. And then waking up feeling all nua and lazy and reluctant to do anything :( Also currently, I am addicted to the Kdrama "Empress Ki" so I'm pretty much glued to my laptop all day all night. lolololol
Managed to capture this paddlepop sky a few days back when I took a peek outside my window. Isn't it so pretty!!!!!

Ok and last but not the least...

Hope you guys have lots of fun exchanging gifts, feasting your heart out and just spending quality time with your love ones!!! :D

And to those who constantly check back this space even though I am not as active now.. Thank you!
I'll talk to you guys soon again ok!

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