Minggu, 30 November 2014

The First Sunday of Advent

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Goodbye autumn, hello winter... December, you're almost here 

This first weekend of Advent has been about resting and gently easing ourselves into this new season. 

I started the weekend on Friday meeting friends for a drink and then volunteering for our local Arts organisation. As photographer, I was lucky enough to be on the front row for Phillip Henry and Hannah Martin. Amazing music to chill out to and the perfect antidote to the retail frenzy that's seized the internet and even my little city. 

Bah! Black Friday!

Sunlight, hyacinths, stollen bites, lighting the first of my 4 Advent candles (just 4 tea lights in a row), walking into town for coffee, spying pretty pink cyclamen in hanging baskets and lights reflecting in water have been my simple pleasures. Welcome this season of waiting.

Have a great week ♥ ♥ 

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