Senin, 22 September 2014

What I Wear: My Minimalist Wardrobe

So what does a minimalist wardrobe look like on a real person? I thought I'd share some of the outfits I put together from my 40 piece wardrobe here on my Minimalist Monday slot. It will give an idea of how many different looks I can achieve and also show how accessories can breathe variety into a limited stock of clothes.

Let's begin with my favourite jeans and Boden grey v-neck t-shirt, both of which you may have seen before. I have this t shirt in grey, white and black and they are all useful but I definitely wear this grey one the most. It's somehow more versatile. So far these Boden t-shirts (bought in January) have washed well and there's no sign of any bagginess or tiny holes appearing. Hopefully money well spent. 

These jeans (Indigo M&S) are almost two years old and will be sorely missed when they wear out. They are probably the most worn item of clothing that I own. 

The black blazer (F&F) is lightweight and I like its drapey feel. It's a recent summer buy and a bit of an experiment. I wear it when I need something a little more dressy than a cardi. It adds structure but feels loose which is perfect for a non power dresser.

My outfit is completed with a practical roomy bag (M&S), ballet flats (Debenhams) and a swingy old Accessorize necklace that goes with everything. 

I may return with another outfit from my minimalist wardrobe if you are interested. It was fun.

Have a good week xo

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Related : What I Wear: My Minimalist Wardrobe

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