Jumat, 05 September 2014

New Beginnings

This September feels full of hope and potential. After a period of supply teaching I now have a few permanent hours at a lovely school I've been working at since February. It's a very different role to my previous teaching post and fits in perfectly with my desire for less responsibility and a happy work life balance. 

Over the summer holidays I've been contemplating how different I feel compared to a year ago when I was in my last job. I think that the challenges and changes that I've taken on have given me a new confidence borne from following my heart. I'm happier, healthier, and oh, I'm laughing a lot more these days. 

After completing my tiny garden makeover and finishing my 40 piece minimalist wardrobe this summer, I now need to turn my attention back to keeping my day to day spending under control. More planning, budgeting and resolve are needed as I've lapsed a little with recording and restraining my spending recently. I'm also looking into minimizing my hair and beauty routine and seeking homemade and natural alternatives to what's on the shelves in the shops. I'm on my second week of using alternatives to shampoo – I'll keep you posted on my no-poo venture. You can't beat a new challenge!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy September xo


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