(Sponsored Post)
So today's post is personally, a little bit more sensitive...and it's about....

BOOBIESYup that's right!!
We can't deny that bust is one of the most important asset for a woman! It boosts our self esteem and confidence. It makes us look attractive. And it is one of the few which sets us apart from the males physically. Personally, I am not as well-endowed as I would like to be (sobs)!! I mean sometimes I do feel inferior... like why do some girls have bigger boobs!?!? Life can be this unfair at times. :(And at times, I don't feel I look as good in certain type of clothings (plunging neckline tops/dresses, bikinis etc) as compared to those who are better endowed. Sometimes I even worry that I wouldn't look good in my future wedding gown!! I am sure some of you out there can relate to how I feel!
One thing for sure I regretted doing was to wear SPORTS BRA 24/7 back in Secondary school days. If you don't already know, I used to play volleyball and wearing a normal wired bra is kinda uncomfortable, especially when playing sports. Sports bra were sooooo comfy that I wore it even on non-training days. I think it was wrong of me to wear a sports bra daily during puberty!! It offers almost zero support and it kinda 'hinders' your bust growth somehow cuz its so tight. When I mentioned it to the specialist about this, she was like "Ohnooo.... you did not just do that back then..." lol :( If only I could rewind back time!
So when Tokyo Bust Express emailed me a couple of weeks ago, I was really excited to give it a try!
My initial thoughts on Tokyo Bust ExpressI first got to know about Tokyo Bust Express when I was flipping through the papers one fine day long long time ago! A picture of a fully well-endowed woman just caught my eyes! Lol. And in all honestly, I was definitely more skeptical than a believer. I mean... really?? Without surgeries but you can get bigger boobs???
So definitely I was pretty hyped up on giving it a try, to see how they are able to improve my bust conditions! And also, of cuz to see if I could achieve the enhancement results even without surgical methods!

Tokyo Bust Express treatments are not just for aesthetic appeal but they focus on health purposes too – by boosting circulation, these treatments help in lymphatic drainage. It helps to drain out toxins accumulated over the years under your bust without you realising. It helps lower the risk of breast cancer, which is the most common cancer in women worldwide!
So now while looking good, you know you feel good & healthy too!

Tokyo Bust Express is the leading natural bust enhancement specialist with the most outlets islandwide.If you're wondering, the outlet I visited was at Square 2 (Novena).Different outlets ambience and decorations may differ but they generally have the 'Japanese Sakura' theme in my opinion! The use of warm lights makes it very comfortable and homely too :)
Treatment rooms are very dimly lighted so at least, it makes us customers less shy when the specialist (although I bet she sees like more than 10 boobs a day!) is looking/massaging our sensitive part!

Spotted the shape of your boobs in this chart?? :O

Consultation at Tokyo Bust ExpressMy specialist, Helen shared that Tokyo Bust Express uses 100% natural ingredients such as soy-infused treatments combined with advanced technology and traditional Japanese massage techniques.
I was told that puberty for females generally end when we are 18 years old and our bust size will more or less be fully developed then. However, with the use of their organic soybeans extracts containing phyto-nutrients, it helps stimulate female hormones and aid in optimal bust development. This means that even though we have reached the end of puberty (just like me!!) there are still possibilities of enhancing our bust size without going under the knife! :D

For me, I guess my major concern would be the size? I wished it was bigger and fuller!

After the consultation, I was led into my treatment room where the specialist gently examine my bust behind closed doors.

Personal Bust AnalysisI really appreciate Helen for being very considerate & thoughtful, asking if I was shy and if I am feeling comfortable before doing the bust analysis for me! I mean afterall.... it's a sensitive part of a woman's body!
So after taking off my kimono, the first words Helen told me were that my busts were beautiful! Hahahaha omg this is very shy and embarrassing to be writing here on this blog!!There are however some concerns regarding to my bust like- mild uneven bust size- a little sagging (wearing a proper padded support pra is very important! I tend to wear strapless bra so...)- 'armpit fats' or rather, 4 boobs as Helen would call it.
Oh btw!!! Do u know actually they aren't really 'armpit fats'???
All along I thought they were just ugly fats and its very unsightly especially if you wear tube tops! However that day, I learnt from Helen that these are actually TOXINS accumulated in your bust!! O.M.G!!! Never knew it would be this. Therefore, Helen told me it is actually very important to go for professional bust massage once in a while! Now I know and I will definitely head back more often to remove these unwanted toxins... better to be safe than sorry! Better to protect these precious assets before you lose it one day!

I was given a relaxing massage prior to the bust treatments.The whole session was a very private and intimate one. Helen was also really professional, explaining to me tips on taking care of my bust, the benefits of each treatment she is doing, what to expect from the treatment etc :)

Treatments I did at Tokyo Bust Express
1. Detox ScrubRemoval of dead skin around bust area & for better penetration of treatments and products.
2. TT Push Up Therapy using Purifying EssenceAfter the scrub, an essence is applied to the bust area which- helps in toning & lifting of breasts- prevents current condition from worsening- helps in maintaining the shape of breasts
3. Senchi Bust Therapy- This bust therapy is Tokyo Bust Express's signature treatment and uses traditional Japanese massage techniques- Helps in blood circulation and lymphatic drainage (Detoxifying purposes)- Stimulate on the mammary glands to enhance and firm up the breasts- Aids in preventing breast cancer
4. Bust Suction Therapy- To help shape for a rounder and fuller bust by stimulating mammary glands- To re-position your breasts to reduce the'mini boob' or armpit fats between breasts and armpits
Other than the 3rd treatment (Senchi Bust Therapy), the rest of the treatments were very comfortable! I was either sleeping, taking pictures of myself or using my phone! That said, Senchi Bust Therapy is not exactly super pain! I would rate the pain level maybe 5/10?? Only certain massage techniques hurt, especially when she is trying to stimulate the mammary glands. It hurts a little but it is definitely bearable!Helen also told me that it is usually the most pain on the 1st and 2nd treatment. Thereafter, it should not hurt as much. This is because the massage aids in blood circulation and lymphatic drainage which removes toxins!
Prior to the treatment, I asked Helen at least TWICE, if the results were immediate.She said YES firmly. I wasn't sure if I should believe... but check out the results!!!

Of cuz I can't be showing yall a Before/After picture of my bust so here's a way Tokyo Bust uses to show to their customers!The 'Before' line is where my nipples level used to be when I stand up straight.The line above (in pink) is after the Bust Treatments!
It is higher than before, which means now my boobs are perkier, lifted and not as sagging!! HeheheheeNot only so, it is much fuller and rounder! Helen asked me to take a look at my own bust immediately after she massaged a side of it and the results were really obvious! The top part of my one bust were definitely fuller than the other! The cleavage kinda looks deeper too ;)The best part???At least half of my 'armpit fats' were gone!!!! TOTALLY IMPRESSED :O

I was also given 2 after-care products to be used daily on my own at home!
Intensive Bust Enhancement Firming Cream Serum- Made in Switzerland- Specially formulated with Kigelia Africana Fruit Extract, a natural botanical ingredient- Helps to preserve skin elasticity, suppleness- Provides hydration
Intensive Bust Essence- Made in Switzerland- Ultimate solution to augment the bust with superb firming, lifting and volumizing action.- Contains the finest grade soy and botanical extracts that deliver optimal efficacy for a plumped up and fuller bust line in a safe and non-invasive way.
I've used the products a couple of times at home and I especially love how easily it is being absorbed into the skin :) It was neither oily nor sticky! Tokyo Bust Express have specially formulated bust products customised to suit different bust needs.Now I know I can maintain and massage my bust at home the right way too! :)Thank you Tokyo Bust Express!

My specialist, Helen and I :)
Tokyo Bust Express plays an important part in maintaining your womanly curves and you girls should give their treatments a try if you haven't! :) Results are immediate and I'm sure you'll be able to see and judge for yourself!Also, don't be shy to let Tokyo Bust Express know about your main bust concerns :)
You can enjoy the treatments I did and achieve your dream bust line! Just answer a simple question to be entitled to the promotion below:
FREE 3x Maxi-Volume Bust Treatments
Cleavage Enhancer Treatment
Worth $798 in total!
PLUS 3 Lucky readers with the most significant results stand to win 3 months SPONSORED Customized Bust Treatments worth $5698
A 2D1N Montigo Staycation!
(Exlusive for participants joined before 20/10/2014)

Terms and Conditions:
Only for females without Eczema or other skin conditions
Strictly by appointment only
Promotion valid for 2 months
Tokyo Bust Express Locations:
City Square Mall180 Kitchener Road #B2-39 (S) 208539
Park Mall9 Penang Road #11-06 (S) 238459
Nex Mall23 Serangoon Central #03-32 (S) 556083
Novena Square 210 Sinaran Drive #B1-111 (S) 307506

For more information, visit TOKYO BUST EXPRESS or call 6262 6161 to make an enquiry or book an appointment!
Social Media Links:Instagram | Facebook | Twitterhttp://www.tokyobustexpress.com/home.html
Thank you Tokyo Bust Express for the amazing experience!XxShenny
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