Before we begin, I just want to say that Fangirling can take some unexpected turns but for the most part, it's the same across the board. Note to the readers, fangirling is not strictly just for girls. Males are just as allowed to fangirl as females are. The younger the person is the more they're likely to Fangirl, but they progressively calm down the more they age. At the age of 26, my fangirling is less intense than those of the 16-24 stage. This is called Noona-Fangirling, but I'll get to that in a bit. Let's start from the beginning.
Don't worry, after this blog, you'll be a fangirl expert so hang in there--Fighting!
First, you must understand that Kpop has two very different sides.
Firstly there's aegyo--which is the explosion of cuteness all over the computer screen. Kpop idols "ppuing-ppuing" for their fans at every request. It embarrasses them as much as it revs the younger fangirls into high-octane fueled fangirling which usually results in Fangirls losing their shit . . .
As cute and charming as Aegyo is, it's not very useful when on stage and dancing. For that, our kpop idols gratefully pocket their aegyo charms and whip out the charisma and wear it like their own custom made bebe-armor. When they do this . . .
We do this . . .
This is known as fangirl death. Notice the lack of head and hand movement and what appears to be a solid scream erupting from his mouth. The mind simply cannot process what it's just seen but knows a reaction is necessary or fainting is a real possibility. The legs instinctively attempt to propel the body away from the computer screen for safety purposes. It's best to avoid this as much as possible. Too many fangirl deaths can desensitize the brain to all that Kpop has to offer. A fangirl reaction should not last more than 45 seconds. If so, walk away from the computer until your blood pressure returns to normal before proceeding.
However, the same rules do not apply if you are a Noona (older girl of 25+)--which tends to be the case since most kpop idols are younger males. Succumbing to the previous version of fangirling when you are a Noona can be dangerous. Friends and family may start to think you are crazy and the threat of an unplugged computer and a Kpop Intervention becomes very real. When Noona's fangirl, it should look like this . . .
Smiling is always allowed, but notice the calm composure on his face. Throwing the hands up and screaming is no longer allowed but never fear and do not be fooled--do you see the hair touch? That is an indicative sign of fangirling. A fellow Noona fangirl will know and understand what's really going on inside your head. The calm and composed exterior is a facade, what we really feel is this . . .
There is another form of Noona fangirling. It is less professional than what I've just previously shown you. In layman's terms it's called the Embarrassed Noona fangirling. This happens when the Noona fangirl sees a Kpop idol being sexy but her mind cannot make peace with the age of the performer. This rare and interesting type of fangirl is illustrated like this . . .
Notice the hands over the face and leaning away from the computer. The Noona fangirl acknowledges that the Kpop idol has done something sexy but simply cannot allow herself to enjoy it. This form of fangirling is RARE. If you see it, try not to tease the Embarrassed Noona more than necessary--they simply cannot help it. They should be pitied above all else.
That is the introduction to Kpop fangirling. There are, as there is with almost everything else, more advance levels but this should tide you over until next time. Never fear the Kpop fangirls, they really do mean no harm--it's just an explosion of feels that can't be controlled although I always advocate the idea of "trying". Try to control the feels as much as possible but keep a pillow handy just in case it can't be done. That's all I have today. Here's a good example of the various forms of Fangirling by Kspazz! (I strongly suggest watching their videos for more examples)
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