I had to groom myself well so I paid a visit to my hair + nail + skincare sponsors!

Original hair before dyeing! It's kinda ombre cuz I used to bleach my hair and it grew out~Lily gave me a darker shade of ashy-brown and I also did the NP 3.1 Neoprocess Treatment.

NP 3.1 Neoprocess Treatment from Japan is a long-lasting effect that regains the shine of the hair by penetrating into the hair nutrients and reviving its energy.
Some benefits of the system include removing substances that cause acidity to the hair, moisturizes deeply to improve hair protein, strengthens hair, and prevents loss of nutrients.
Recommended treatment system for:
Dry/damaged hair
Colored hair
Perm/Rebonded hair
Hair exposed to frequent blowdry
So after hours of sitting inside the salon, I emerged with a new hair colour and hairstyle!

Yup I decided to cut bangzzz again!! Anyone who has bangs automatically look 2 years younger, agree? Lol

A healthier shade of brown and the treatment added more shine to my hair!Well, initially I wanted to do like purple/pink streaks on my hair ends again for Korea but Lily advised me against it as it's kinda 'out of trend'.... so yupp no more crazy colours hairdo for me!

I*CON SHUNJI MATSUO by LILY XUFar East Plaza #01-3514 Scotts Road (S) 228213☎ : 6737 5311https://www.facebook.com/shunji.matsuo.fep**Mention 'SHENNYYANG' to get 10% discount off chemical services**♢ ♢ ♢OFFICIAL PAGES
http://www.shunjimatsuo.com.sg/FACEBOOK // INSTAGRAM // TWITTER
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My 2nd visit to my hair stylist - Lily's nail salon!It's just RIGHT BESIDE the hair salon so it's super convenient! You can do your HAIR + NAILS all together at once!
The one who did my nails for me is Lina Xu who is Lily's sister! ;)

Lina takes alot of pride in her work and always ensures that the nail-art is done properly! She's really super patient and intricate!

Here's the set of nails Lina did for me in June! ;)Freaking love it and it's also superrrrrr bling bling lol.

NAILS BY LILY XUFar East Plaza #01-32 (beside Shunji Matsuo by Lily Xu)☎ : 6735 4585Mon-Sat: 11am-9pm | Sun: 11am-7.30pm
Instagram: @nails_by_lily_xuFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nail.lilyxu
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And lastly... a visit to my trusty skincare sponsor!!I had quite a bit of breakout due to exams stress and more recently, I tend to have breakouts easily especially just before my period which is sooooooo annoying!!!
I told the marketing manager about my issue and he quickly fixed an appointment for me with Dr SK Tan! :)

Dr SK Tan prescribed a new product for me - A-PLUS to help deal with my breakouts!I apply this AFTER C-plus and BEFORE Oil Free Moisturiser.
IDS A-PLUSAge-preventive care
I use this about 3-4 times weekly, and only apply this at night before you sleep! I was told to kinda alternate this with the IDS Scrub.
On days when I use the scrub (about 3 times weekly), I DO NOT apply A+ as it might be a lil bit sensitive for the skin. Also, avoid areas such as corner of your eyes, sides of your nose and lips :)
- IDS A+ is your skin's first line of defense against early signs of aging- Uses patented retinoid (Retinyl retinoate) together with 2 powerful antioxidants - Niacinamide and Curcumin- Encourages & boosts cellular turnover without causing irritation- Results in finer, firmer & younger-looking skin- Can be used by all ages to maintain overall skin quality
You may read more about the other IDS Skincare products I use daily over HERE .
IDS CLINIC8 Sinaran Drive #05-07 to 10, Novena Specialist Center (S) 3074706568 3555
FB: https://www.facebook.com/idsclinicIG: @idsclinic (#idsclinic)http://www.idsclinic.com/

Thank you for reading lovelies!Tata! ♥
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