Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

The Mothers and Fathers of Kpop...

In Kpop, each group has a Leader. Usually this job falls to the eldest but not always, as is the case with Big Bang. However, sometimes being the Leader is a hard job--okay, most times the Leader has the hard job and every once in a while a Leader needs a little help from one of the other members. When this happens, we consider the pairing to be the "parents" of the group. Read More to see my favorite "Mothers" and "Fathers" of Kpop!


Perhaps one of the most famous Mother/Father pairing belongs to Super Junior's Leeteuk and Kangin. Despite Heechul actually being the second oldest, Mama Leeteuk and Papa Kangin have an inseparable bond that makes them a prime example. Now, of course, Leeteuk can and usually does wrangle the group very well on his own, but it's no secret that Kangin is the strength looming over Leeteuk's shoulder. Don't wanna mess with him, unless you want a face full of Kangin. 


 Yongguk, leader of B.A.P, being the strong and charismatic Father needs an opposite Mother who is as equally as caring and steady to help back him up. Together, they rule the Matoki Universe! Not that Yongguk actually requires any outside help, it's just nice to know that when Yongguk needs the extra strength on his "off" days, Himchan is there to back him up and pierce the other members with his intense gaze. I'm not joking, would you want to have a staring contest with Himchan? I didn't think so...


During a broadcast Suho asked Kris: "So, Kris. If I am Exo's Mother then does that make you the Father?" And quite simply the answer is yes. Despite their current separation, I still believe and will forever believe that this Mother/Father pairing was meant to be. Suho is all smiles and positivity--Yes, I'm quite aware that is not a word. (lol) Opposite Suho, Kris is the brute force behind Exo. And sure, he may be quiet and moody but wouldn't you be if you had to deal with Suho's constant happiness? But when it all boils down at the end of the day, Kris, with all his faults, pulls through in the end and helps Suho control their 10 children. Divorce is never easy but let's hope these two can work out a "joint custody" type of deal with each other.  
Exo Fighting!


This one was a difficult choice because it seems the Starlight fandom is torn between two Father figures. Some say Leo is the father of Vixx and others believe it to be Ravi. (I still think Leo is Hongbin's father while clearly Ken belongs to Ravi....and Hyuk...well...we're just not sure. The verdict is still pending.) I like to believe that Ravi is the Father to N's Mother-type personality because when N needs it, Ravi is always there showing support and backing him up--even if that includes doing weird and silly things. Leo is just the second-lead-syndrome, the "could have been" father of Vixx--except for Hongbin, Hongbin very much belongs to Leo.


This particular Mother/Father relationship is a hidden gem. Onew likes to pretend that he's a single parent taking care of the other four members independently however, if you've seen their "One Fine Day" special, you know just as well as I do, the important role Minho plays. You didn't notice it? Taemin is the youngest who should never travel alone. Jonghyun is the oldest who is totally cool being separated from the parents and enjoys his free time. Then you've got Key....who needs constant attention and admiration. Minho is more than willing to prove his patience and give Key the time he needs while Mama's away enjoying the the sun, sand and...monkeys but that's a whole 'nother story. Minho is the calm and collected opposite to Onew's goofy and somewhat scatter-brained personality. These two compliment each other like peanut butter and jelly.


I'm a fan of Big Bang but I'm not 100% familiar with this marriage's dynamics. G-Dragon and his motherly self leads this group with such perfection that it truly seems he needs no life partner to handle the other four members. However, no one wants to go it alone and by "it", I mean stardom. These two were born to be life partners and lead their group onto the pages of Kpop history. They've even begun ushering their kids to do bigger and better things outside of the nest--although Daesung seems to be lagging behind but that's okay. Someone needs to protect home base. If there was every a prime example of "Parent Excellence" look no further than G-Top.

I know my list seems pretty short but these are the pairings that have found a spot in my heart. Is there anyone else I forgot? Please feel free to tell me in the comments below! 

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