Exo brings in the new year on the beach in this continuation of last week's Exo Showtime. This week's episode we get to spend a little quality time with Exo as they prepare a meal, play games and even have a spontaneous interview session hosted by their very own DO and Baekhyun. Read More to find out what happens in this week's Exo Showtime!
Annyeonghaseyo EXOtics
So first things first, they recap last week's multiple betrayal's: Luhan's branch betrayal, Kai's rock betrayal and Suho's younger brother betrayal which all resulted in a fantastic ending for last week. Good marketing technique, I might add. Get us all pumped up about last week's episode again and get us ready for this one, so let's get to it!
So this week they start off directly after the beach incident. They've come to what looks like a cabin that they'll be staying at. As soon as everyone starts showing up they start picking bedrooms. But they get instructed to come back to the living room to discuss dinner.

Chanyeol chirps in he brought money . . . well, at least one of you did . . . and they start deciding who's going to the market to get ingredients. In a sign of good team work Chanyeol says he'll go to the market and Baekhyun volunteers to make rice at the lodgings. Up until now, I thought it was Suho who was giving out the orders but it turns out it's DO because DO ends up telling Suho, Chanyeol and Luhan to go to the market and they all agree.

The market boys attract some attention when the Ajumma notices them right away and asks who they are. The boys tell her they're singers and that "Growl" is their song and she admits to recognizing them on television. She then tells them they're so handsome . . . and phew, are they ever! . . . to which the boys bow and respectfully give thanks. They leave the store after purchasing a few items and decide to eat a street vendor's pancakes...which admittedly look delicious . . .

They enter a meat store and decide to go with pork for dinner. Chanyeol asks the butcher if he knows who they are because they were recognized by the Ajummas a few stores down. But they're not so lucky with the Ajusshi's because he says that XO is a drink. The boys correct him politely and say they're from SM. Back with Luhan, he tells the camera that this is the first he's ever had a hot cake and you can just tell he's excited so he eats his before the other two even return.
At the lodgings, all the boys are either being extremely lazy or sleeping. However, Chen says that he just knows the others are eating right now and Baekhyun agrees with him. The cameras switch back to the other three who are, indeed, eating from a different street vendor.

Baekhyun asks Chen who he will choose to share a room with, who he'll sleep with and who he he hates to sleep with the most. Chen takes too long to respond which prompts Baekhyun to suggest he wants to sleep alone. Chen denies the allegation but can't keep up with Baekhyun and DO's attacks on his choice--or lack thereof. But it all ends in laughs and giggles. Chen finally gets the chance to answer and he says he'd rather sleep with DO and Sehun. Baekhyun presses on and says "Who do you hate to sleep with the most?" And Chen answers honestly, "It's you." He says Baekhyun is so loud when he wants to go to bed but Baekhyun can't take the criticism. He says he'll show Chen tonight with the cameras on that he's not loud. I guess we'll have to wait and see who's right . . .

Pleasantly surprised am I, he says he was a superman . . . *crickets chirping* . . . Baekhyun scoffs at him and asks him why he thinks that, is it because he's a charmer? Kris responds with . . . because he's tall . . . Wait. What? . . . It just goes to show that Kris . . . should be in acting. Obviously he's saying this for comedy purposes but he's completely straight-faced when he says it. I love it!
At this point, the market team comes back with dinner. Chen asks them why they're so late and if they ate anything. Suho expertly lies and says "We didn't eat anything" Seriously, Suho-Eomma? Do you think they aren't going to watch the broadcast and catch you in your lies? They tell the others they got a bunch of this and that for dinner and Chen immediately breaks into the bags to see whats-what.
And we're shown this episode's question: Who is in charge of cooking among the 12 members? Good question . . .

It takes awhile but Sehun is finally able to go out and pick up the first batch of meat that DO and Chen precariously made with a huge flame. Honestly, I don't understand how their nylon jackets didn't just go up in flames but, thankfully, they didn't. However, once the meat is inside--by the looks on the members faces--it's not very good. Why is no one going outside and telling them this?? DO and Chen both try the meat and see no problem with it and they eat piece after piece before it even gets inside. Chanyeol decides to pick up the uncooked pieces and cook it on a frying pan. During the exchange, Chen gets distracted and his entire grill grate gets toppled over in the wind and all his meat goes crashing to the ground. His response? Stares at it and doesn't move an inch as if he cannot simple believe that happened. A lot like how Kai reacted in the last episode when he lost the Rock-Paper-Scissors game. It isn't until DO takes a look that Chen realizes that the food didn't hit the ground but rather landed perfectly atop the grate and the food is still good.
Chanyeol brings up the next batch of cooked meat along with the uncooked meat but everyone hesitantly tastes it and decide it's still really bitter. So Master Chief Chanyeol starts to fry and the meat comes out looking amazing. Well, consider the outside conditions, guys, it's windy! The boys play Rock-Paper-Scissors to see who gets first pick of the meat. Let's just say . . . Tao has the most animated expression in this scene than I've ever seen on his face before. He looked like he'd just won the lottery! Observe . . .
Along with Tao, Kai & Luhan also win and get to chose which meat they eat. While these boys are fighting over the meat, unbeknownst to them, Chanyeol is smacking his lips over freshly made meat over in the kitchen!
Oh . . . Oh! A mommy-daddy fighting scene! Once the boys have chosen their first round of meat, Suho suggests playing Rock-Paper-Scissors again to determine who gets first pick of the next round. Kris, frustratingly, suggests that they just eat but when Suho pouts, they all decide to play the game again to choose. This time it's Xiumin, Tao & Lay who get first pick. While these boys continue to fight, Chen and DO are outside enjoying their broiled barbecue.

Tao then makes a play for Kris and Kris . . . thankfully . . . takes up the challenge in an effort to help his . . . if I said "wife" it'd just be weird, right? Well, you get my point . . . without a moment's hesitation. See, Kris isn't such a cold guy after all . . . The cleanup . . . is a daunting task!
This also why I chose to help make dinner at my family gatherings so I can escape the clean up.
So the answer to "Who cooks for the 12 members?" is: Chanyeol is good for soups, Chen is good for cutting and DO is master of the flame. But I think it's safe to say that most of them chip in to help.

So now it's Kris' turn and he resignedly asks what they want him to do. They decide they can't figure it out and move on to Suho who is being made to act out a crying scene. Tao keeps egging him on, he's really gotten into this role as Hyung . . . be careful Tao, you won't be Hyung for much longer . . . But before Suho has to act out the crying scene, the timer goes off and the roles reverse back to their natural state. Now the real Hyungs automatically start picking on the Dongsaengs once again . . . Told you . . . and the Hyungs immediately start making the Dongsaengs pay by making them do actions in return. Luhan pretends to beat up Tao, Xiumin tries to make Sehun sing and Sehun regretfully says "But I didn't tease you that much." And Chanyeol . . . he tries to hide but Suho seeks him out immediately . . .

As the sun rises the members decide to make their New Year's wishes and shout them out over the ocean;
Suho wishes to be a better leader in 2014 and just as he makes his wish, the sun rises over the horizon . . . like literally, just as he finishes making his wish. If that isn't a sign, Suho . . . I don't know what is . . . the members cheer and take the chance to take pictures. Tao has probably the best reactions in this episode for sure . . . this is his response to seeing the sun rise . . .
Suho wishes to be a better leader in 2014 and just as he makes his wish, the sun rises over the horizon . . . like literally, just as he finishes making his wish. If that isn't a sign, Suho . . . I don't know what is . . . the members cheer and take the chance to take pictures. Tao has probably the best reactions in this episode for sure . . . this is his response to seeing the sun rise . . .
Baekhyun wishes that Exo will improve in 2014. DO wishes that everyone stays healthy in 2014. Xiumin wishes to be allowed to talk more in 2014. Chanyeol wishes they become cooler in 2014. Tao wishes he can make his beloved people happy in 2014--he also adds that he loves Exo. We don't get to see the rest of the wishes but I'm willing to bet they're more of the same. Not going to lie, one day in my life I'd like to stand on a beach and yell out my wishes over the rising sun, it seems somehow . . . more monumental.
They make one last wish as a group and fling their hands into the air . . .
They make one last wish as a group and fling their hands into the air . . .
And that's the end of this two-part episode of Exo's Winter Sea experience. It wasn't my favorite episode but we got to see different sides of our Exo members and therefore it was well worth the 50 minute viewing. I hope you all enjoyed it as well and we'll see you next week!
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