Jumat, 25 April 2014

Reactions to Kpop

All Kpop fans experience their own personal introduction and reaction to Kpop however, I have been able to narrow it down to three categories! Read More to see which category you fall into!

Reaction to Kpop #1
There's the "Hmmm" type of introduction--the "It's good, that can't be denied" type of reaction where if they come across Kpop they'll give it an honest listen to but still maintain a hold on their usual type of music. It looks like this:


Reaction to Kpop #2
Then you have the kind of reaction where it's like you've opened a window and the person has discovered there's more out there. They find sincere enjoyment in Kpop and can still flip back and forth between types of music if need be---but everyone knows they prefer Kpop. It looks like this: 


Reaction to Kpop #3
Then you have someone like me. It wasn't an open window, it was "This is the Kpop police, we are coming in!" And it busts down your door and there is no going back. This type of person has lost almost all touch with whatever music they listened to before and is now an expert in all things Kpop. It looks like this: 

Except for me, it wasn't Jonghyun from CNBlue that kicked in my door. It was Kyuhyun from Super Junior. 

What kind of Kpop reaction did you have? Please feel free to let me know in the comments! 

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