Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Spontaneous Swing Action Over Here

Step Off B*tch, Super Junior-M is back!
As I was driving tonight, listening to Super Junior-M's latest hit, "Swing", my favorite parts kept swimming--or shall I say "Swinging" Mwahahaha*clears throat* Umm . . . --around my head and I knew that despite the fact that I had to be up at the wee hours of pre-dawn for work tomorrow morning, I needed to shoot out a quick blog about how amazingly awesome this Song/MV is. Read More to find out why . . .

Yes, Eunhyuk, we shall. The beat is catchy and even though I know not a single word of Chinese, the song had me wanting to get up and move my body to the grove of---hmm . . . that could have gotten awkward . . .*cough* First off, it's SuJu-M; as much as we E.L.F.s like to pretend that everything that comes out of Super Junior's mouth is lyrical gold...it's not BUT no worries Debbie-Downers, because "Swing" happens to be a wonderfully composed and produced song. It's got everything; great lyrics, great singing and great . . . well . . . the MV has great eye-candy!

Enough with the chit-chat? Good! Let's get to the goods!

Individually speaking, each member had an awesome moment whether it was sexy, funny or just plain talent--they're all just part of the reason this Song/MV was amazing! Take a look . . .

Ryewook has always been daintily handsome . . .

. . . and I'm not quite sure what the hairstylist did with his hair for the MV but whatever it is . . . it should be replicated every time Ryewook steps on stage cause . . . *phew* . . . !

And as if Ryewook wasn't pretty enough, we've got Sungmin . . .

. . . picking up whatever imaginary slack Ryewook has left behind. I'm not one for pretty boys but damn . . . Sungmin suuuurreee is pretty.

Then you've got the boys who like to stir up the pot . . .

. . . and who else better than Henry, Mr. Magnae himself! Of course, it doesn't help when you have . . .

. . . Eunkhyuk as your Hyung!

Then you have the two who can't seem to keep their hands off anything . . .

. . . But as much as we adore Donghae . . . Kyuhyun had pretty lights to distract us so it's okay for him to touch everything . . .

. . . you didn't even know it was happening until it was already done, did you? It's okay, join the rest of us!

But no worries, Zhou Mi-Oppa is there . . .

. . . to dazzle us senseless! Sorry Sungmin but you are no longer Aegyo-King--something tells me Zhou Mi could Aegyo his way out of a speeding ticket . . . even if the police officer was a man.

Last but not least is . . .

. . . Siwon. Although he's mostly a lover not a fighter, it's nice to know he's willing to attempt to throw down if need be!

As if having their own individual "moments" wasn't awesome enough, what really made the MV for both Firnlambe and I was the sheer fact that the PD's and Directors actually let all of them dance. Now don't get us wrong, the members all danced in Break Down but the Directors always seemed to really stress the fact that Donghae, Eunhyuk and Henry are the dancers of the group . . . as if we didn't already know that . . . !

But in this MV, we have moments like . . .

. . . this where the Big 3 weren't the center of attention. It's refreshing.

Of course, the "dance off" was pretty awesome too . . .

. . . except, I'd be 1) Terrified if I were Sungmin on the table. I'm clumsy enough without being 4 ft. off the ground; and 2) I would be super hesitant if I were Sungmin because that table looks pretty spindly . . .

The second part of the "dance off" . . .

. . . was equally as cool. Although, I think the first group wins the Swinging Prize and yes, Firnlambe, before you have the time to call me me out on it, I'll freely admit it's because Kyuhyun is in the first group. What of it . . . ?

However, despite all of this, the end result is the same: Super Junior-M hit another one out of the park and it looks to be a home run. They've managed to release another hit song and only time will tell just how popular their "Swing" will become!

Congratulations, Suju-M! You've done another fine job! Fighting!

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