Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

Our Wiki Korea Tour 2013 Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 on Channel M, Team Bibimbap's Route, More Things to Do and Places to Go in Korea!

The Wiki Korea Tour 2013 just finished airing on Channel M! It was shown in 10 countries: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia and Australia =) I didn't want to spoil it for you by spilling out all the details so I decided to wait a while. I myself didn't know what the other team, Team Bibimbap, did and was just amazed as I watched on TV =) One of the things I picked up is that I want to experience some of what they had! Haha. Overall, both teams (ours was Team ASF) had a wonderful time during the tour and it's something that all of us won't forget. Here are Wiki Korea Tour Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 that I got from the Buzz Korea Channel so that you can watch too (without commercial breaks haha)! This way, we can all start planning our 2014 Korea trips and discover a bit more about the 27 icons together ;) I'll tell you more about the Behind the Scenes of Team ASF's Wiki Korea trip in the next posts.

Team ASF (top to bottom, left to right): 
Oppa Ricky (Korean actor), Sunny (China), Kevin (KPOP star)
Lichee (China), Me (Philippines), Nisa (Indonesia), Mathi (France), Basmah (Saudi), Rai (Singapore)

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Related : Our Wiki Korea Tour 2013 Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 on Channel M, Team Bibimbap's Route, More Things to Do and Places to Go in Korea!

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