Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

A suitcase filled with Saigon

One of my favourite pastimes in Saigon is sourcing curiosities.
Like a bowerbird, I select with care. 
This old wicker suitcase called out to me.
I was in love before I opened it...even more so when I did. 
The original paper is charming. 
I plan to use it to store my journals...
all 40 years of them.

Sourcing curiosities in Vietnam is an adventure, it takes you into
the back streets, back rooms and most interesting places. 
Vietnamese is the spoken word, English is used very little. 
When the owner of the shop motioned to me that he could replace 
the old paper with new, I was aghast. 

I looked at him..saying as clearly and slowly 
as I could "no, no, new... same, same". 
He smiled... "ok, ok". 

I have been here before, words often get lost in translation. 
I accept what arrives on my doorstep the next day. 
In this case...he understood.. "same, same".
I must remember that one... 

Photo by Jeanne Henriques

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