Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

Top Five Reasons To Listen To Kpop

Top Five Special #1

I see these all the time and sometimes I agree with them and sometimes I don't but I finally have the opportunity to do one myself! I feel like my head might burst from all the choices. By no means will everyone agree with me either but as always with things like these, it's all about your opinion...with that all having been said, let's begin!

This is only part one of a "Top Five" special so expect more blogs in a quick we'll start with something easy: Top Five Reasons to Listen to Kpop!

1) First off; it's just good music! Even if you don't understand what they're saying, the way their words sound and how they speak makes listening to Kpop enjoyable. Just like with American music, Kpop has many genres; you are bound to find something you like if you just look for it. Since my tastes are so eclectic, I have an easy time of finding new music to listen to. Whether its hip-hop, pop, ballad (mellow), funk, rock--Kpop has it all. So why not just listen to American music? Good question. I have an answer. I find not knowing the lyrics or words a hidden benefit because it makes you concentrate more on the tone, the beat, the sounds of the mouth and it also makes you realize just how powerful voices truly are. If you aren't hung up on trying to listen to the words, you'd be amazed how much information actually gets through to the brain. Of course, this could go for any foreign music, so I suggest stepping out of your comfort zone and listen to world music, doesn't have to be just Kpop--although you would be missing out on some great stuff if you didn't.

2) Their voices. Of course, they're all singers so they all have great voices--they wouldn't be singers otherwise, right? I touched on it in #1 but I feel like it deserves a spot all on its own because unlike most American artists (not all of them, obviously) Kpop artists went through vigorous training to get their voices to where they're at. I guess this is a dual spot because their training is pretty extensive that it could be argued that it should have it's own column...but for this purpose, I'll stick to only discussing their voices. An example; my number one favorite voice in all of Kpop is...*drum roll here* Yesung! What...? You thought I was gonna say Kyuhyun? (*Lemme school you here hunnies* Favorites are very different than Biases: Favorites are just people we think are the best, objectively speaking. Biases are the moon and the stars and all of the planets in the whole damn universe and completely irrational! *clears throat* Lemme make it simple; Biases are not to be confused with favorites--biases are the hopes and dreams *ahem*standards*ahem* we have for our husbands when we are young and for our children when we are older) Although, notably, Kyuhyun is my number two (objectively speaking) because his voice has so much Range but back to Yesung, his voice has so much Power that sometimes he makes you want to that just me?? Also, a close, close second would be Jonghyun. The point is, if you only listen to their voices, you will soon understand why Kpop is so good. I briefly want to touch on their training; some artists spend YEARS in training, taking music, singing and dancing lessons, working to perfection and clocking long studio hours before debuting. There are times, which can be particularly crushing to debutantes, when debuts get delayed or completely cancelled and they have to wait for the next opportunity. It's not like American Idol where you have raw talent and get a CD and hope for the best...oh no no no...

3) Moving on from what could have very well turned into a rant is number three: dancing. Again, this could also be a dual spot with regard to their extensive training but I'll concentrate on the dancing portion. Anyone who has seen Eunhyuk, Donghae or Taemin dance, you'll realize that Usher-like moves are more common place in Korea than in America. Doesn't that negate some of the "Wow!" effect if everyone can do it, you ask? Not at all, it is just that impressive. Most Kpop artists learn to dance, some are just ridiculously better at it than others i.e. the previously mentioned trio. Companies will even put entire subgroups together strictly for dancing purposes. Here's an example: Maxstep and Spectrum; I use the term "Companies" loosely as it's mostly S.M. Entertainment that has these subgroups.

4) I debated putting this one as last but the last-last one was so blatently obvious that it had to be second to last is...the Kpop Idols (really, all of Korean Celebrities, actually) have the ability to appreciate everything they have. You can have great singers, dancers and great music but what really keeps us foreigners (and Domestic, I'm sure) still so dazzled by the Kpop world is the idols' ability to be humble. Each idol realizes that without their fans (SHINEee has Shawols, Super Junior has E.L.F.s, EXO has EXOTics, etc) they would not be where they are. Now granted, I'm sure American celebrities care about their fans and realize they also are where they are because of their fans BUT  here's the difference, are you ready? Kpop Idols purposefully avoid getting into trouble (Scandals) so as not to upset their fans. Their images mean a lot to them, they care if they are liked and looked upon with respect. I'm sure they do things that are questionable, that could be looked upon as "scandalous" but it's kept private. If something scandalous does happen, the Idol will apologize profusely and (here's the clincher) never, ever does it again...I think we can all hope Lindsey Lohan will take a page out of their book. K-Idols will go out of their way to make their fans feel appreciated. if you go to any of Super Junior's twitter accounts, it's notable how many times they thank their fans for various actions from sending letters, sending gifts, to attending concerts, and they are always stating "I will work harder to make the fans happy". Personally, when an K-Idol cries on stage or on camera, to me that's the biggest thanks they could ever give, it means more than words and I'll tell you why. It seems really odd in our Westerner's mindset but for a man to throw away his image and cry out of completely and utter appreciation to his fans is touching. As an example: EXO's first stage Win (that is Taemin taking the picture) or SHINee's first Win. I could literally go on and on about the humble-ness that is the K-Idols but I will stop here and just say that being an fan of Kpop Idols is waaaay more gratifying than being an American celebrity fan...

5) Last but so far from being least is...well...they are just so damn cute!! they can sing, dance and make good music, are humble AND they are attractive? Impossible! Yeah,'s not's common place in Korea! There are varying levels of attractiveness in the Kpop world:

On one side is Boyfriend...
Where they're cute and you want to take them home and raise them...
kind of like the puppies you see in the pet store window...

to the other end...

Choi Siwon
Lee Donghae

where they make you drool when they smile...the kind that makes you fantasize about kidnapping them and keeping them until Stockholm Syndrome takes affect...

...ok that sounds creepy but it's only because you don't know!! ( that a straight jacket I hear in the distance..?) Regardless of your preferences, there is no doubt you will find an Idol that is ridiculously good looking that will have you going "Daaammmnnn!"

So if you are like me and you don't mind listening to good music, singing, dancing and watching it all in a nice, adorable sometimes hot package, give Kpop a try and experience it for yourself!

(*side note: I won't be adding Artist of Today's Blog or KDrama of Today's Blog because this is one part of a serious and I don't want to give out too many artist's and Kdramas...but no worries...I won't forget next time!)

As always, be at peace everyone and daydream about hot Asian's healthy!

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