Senin, 17 Juni 2013

The Tofu Man... and a Photography Class in Saigon

I was in the hustle and bustle of the morning markets in Saigon yesterday paying close attention to the tofu man. It was part of a photography assignment. I was to wander the markets looking for photo opportunities. This may sound easy in a busy place like Saigon but it was surprisingly difficult. As I strategised on the best spot to take it all in, I decided that there are photographer personalities amongst us and I am one of the quiet ones. Some of the participants took their positions front and center, cameras at the ready, searching up, down and all around. I envied their bravado. They dodged scooters, took the glares and grimaces in their stride and moved onto the next opportunity. I need to learn how to do that. 

As for me, I was mesmerised by the tofu man and the gentle smile as he worked his tofu stand.

I admit I was first attracted by his cooking pot.
An interesting contraption.

In the street markets, everything goes.

I am a big fan of tofu, especially since moving to Vietnam.

I will never say no to Lemongrass Tofu and manage to sneak this recipe 
into our evening meals several times a week.

Once the tofu man had worked his magic, I moved on.
The crowds were waiting and I was on assignment. 

More to follow in the coming days. 
In the meantime, if you live in Saigon or plan to travel
here one day, take note of The Travel Photographers
for a comprehensive photography course.
 It will be worth your while. 

if you are interested in tasting 
a great plate of lemongrass tofu.
be sure to stop at..,

10 Dang Tat
Ward Tan Dinh
District 1, Saigon

One of my favourites!

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