Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Expat Life...Saigon

Someone asked me recently what I do with my day. 
I am always stumped by this question.
The answer came out in a slow ramble of words.
website, (blog) 

As an expat, you want to see and do it all.
Time ticks by and before you know it you are moving on.
Please join me as we make the most of a day in Saigon.

We would start by admiring
the lotus flowers blooming in our garden

and then onto shopping on Dong Khoi Street.

Take snaps of flowers to search botanical names.

Snap the local scenery.

Snap bougainvillea in mass.

Visit my favourite gallery, Tu Do Gallery, to see what's new.

Admiring a growing garden..perhaps by Rudolph?

Taking in sights in our neighbourhood.

Watch Tika swim a few laps.

Pop back into  Tu Do Gallery for another peak.

Contemplating how they do it...pack it all in?

Checking out furniture on Le Cong Kieu Street.

Stop into Chateau Mango for lotus blossom tea.

Visit a market stall close to home.

and...the last shot

This morning, my juice concoction after Pilates class.
No complaints from this expat.

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