Get There (source)
By Air:
Anambas is served only by Riau Airlines which flies to Pulau Matak, "gateway" of the Anambas Islands . This airline operates thrice weekly Fokker-50 flights from Tanjung Pinang's Kijang Airfield on the Island of Bintan. Bintan is connected by hourly fast ferry from Singapore. If you leave from Singapore at 07.00AM by boat to Tanjung Pinang on Bintan, you are able to connect to the Riau Airlines flight which brings you on the ground in Matak Airfield at 12.00 Noon. The airport, owned by ConocoPhilips for offshore drilling and natural gas explorations, also serves as a domestic terminal .
By Boat:
Best is to travel to and around Anambas by yacht or live-aboard from Singapore, Batam or Bintan.
Twice a month the Pelni shipping lines has a ferry, the KM Bukit Raya that calls on Kota Tarempa (the Archipelago's capital "City") on Siantan Island. You can catch it from the Tanjung Priok harbour in Jakarta, Capital of Indonesia. Sailing times are prone to delays. This boat also delivers almost all the necessary goods to the Islands.
Some Places in Anambas Archipelago
Temurun Falls
Langok Island
Semut (Ants) Island
Temawan Island
Bawah Island
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