Scared - that's the answer of travellers who be asked: "how did you feel while you cross the street in Vietnam?". Getting around Ha Noi and Saigon on foot is so popular with foreigner travellers, but the traffic in Ha Noi and Saigon is very crowded with motor-cycles, taxis, buses, cars... they seem to be never stop. If you travel to Vietnam, you should learn how to cross a street in Vietnam. Trust me!
These are some tips to cross the street in Vietnam:
- Walk in a traight line (cross guard).
- Just walk, don't run: walk so slowly, don't stop.
- Don't look both ways
- Put your hand in the air: to help drivers can see you.
- If you scare, you can contact with the police in green uniforms or wait to cross the street with each other people.
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