Cat Tien National Park consists of two adjacent segments, separated by agricultural land:
Cat Loc is in the north and Nam Cat Tien - which contains the Park HQ and is most often visited
The Park is located in the three provinces of Dong Nai, Lam Dong and Binh Phuoc and approximately 160 km north-east of Ho Chi Minh City. (More here)
Cat Loc is in the north and Nam Cat Tien - which contains the Park HQ and is most often visited
The Park is located in the three provinces of Dong Nai, Lam Dong and Binh Phuoc and approximately 160 km north-east of Ho Chi Minh City. (More here)
Distance: 160km (From Ho Chi Minh City).

Get in & get out
Motor bike
If you have some experience while travelling in Vietnam with motor bike, you could travel to Nam Cat Tien Nationtal Park by motor bike. If not, you should travel by other transports.
Follow the Number 1 National Road, ride to Dau Giay corner, turn left (No.20 Nationlal Road – to Da lat). At Ta Lai corner (the difference name is km Number 125), turn left. After 24km, you see Nam Cat Tien Namtional Park.
Note: Nam Cat Tien National Park is a part of Cat Tien National Park. The place you travel is Nam Cat Tien, is not Cat Tien (“Nam” it’s mean “South” – in Vietnamese).
From Ho Chi Minh City
From Ben Thanh Bus Station (infront of Ben Thanh Market), you take a bus number 26 to Mien Dong Bus Station (East Bus Station).
At Mien Dong Bus Station, you buy a bus ticket at ticket door number 5 (Kim Hoan Bus) to buy a ticket to Nam Cat Tien National Park.
Time of departure:
7h30 AM & 1PM.
Ticket price: 30.000 – 40.000dong/ticket.
./ Mien Dong Bus Station:
292 Dinh bo Linh St, Ward 26, Binh Thanh Dist, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (08) 3899 4056; (08) 3898 4441; (08) 3898 4442; (08) 3898 4893
Another way: you can take Mailinh bus, Phuong Trang bus, Thanh Buoi Bus to Nam Cat Tien. You stop at Ta Lai corner. Frem there, you can take a motor taxi (xe om) to Nam Cat Tien Namtional Park. If not, you can contact with Nam Cat Tien National Park ((+84.61).3669227 - (+84.61).3669228) to pick you by car.
From Da Lat
You can buy a ticket to Nam Cat Tien National Park: Mailinh bus, Phuong Trang bus, Thanh Buoi bus…
At the Ta Lai coner. turn right. After 24km, you see Nam Cat Tien Namtional Park.
• Mailinh Bus
Add: 64 - 68 Hai Bà Trưng, P.BN, Q.1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
Booking ticket: 08.9292929 (Tp.HCM) or some branch of Mailinh Bus.
Mai LinhBus at Da Lat
Add: 14 Nguyen Van Cust, Ward1, Da Lat.
Tel : (84.63) 542 888 Fax : (84.63) 571 999
• Phương Trang Bus
Add : 274 - 276 De Thamst, Pham Ngu Lao Area, Dist1, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel : (08) 3920 6564 - Fax: (08) 3920 6571
Phuong Trang at Da Lat: 11A Le Quy Don st, Da Lat.
Tel: 063.3585858
• Thanh Buoi Bus
Add: 266-268 Le Hong Phong st, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (08) 38306306 - 38308090
Thanh Buoi at Da Lat
Add1: 5 Lu Gia St
Add2: 55 Phan Bội Châu St.
Tel: (063) 3540540 – (063) 3837838.
Daily tour
You can book tour at some travel agency in Pham Ngu Lao Area to Nam Cat Tien National Park.
Motor bike
If you have some experience while travelling in Vietnam with motor bike, you could travel to Nam Cat Tien Nationtal Park by motor bike. If not, you should travel by other transports.
Follow the Number 1 National Road, ride to Dau Giay corner, turn left (No.20 Nationlal Road – to Da lat). At Ta Lai corner (the difference name is km Number 125), turn left. After 24km, you see Nam Cat Tien Namtional Park.
Note: Nam Cat Tien National Park is a part of Cat Tien National Park. The place you travel is Nam Cat Tien, is not Cat Tien (“Nam” it’s mean “South” – in Vietnamese).

From Ho Chi Minh City
From Ben Thanh Bus Station (infront of Ben Thanh Market), you take a bus number 26 to Mien Dong Bus Station (East Bus Station).
At Mien Dong Bus Station, you buy a bus ticket at ticket door number 5 (Kim Hoan Bus) to buy a ticket to Nam Cat Tien National Park.
Time of departure:
7h30 AM & 1PM.
Ticket price: 30.000 – 40.000dong/ticket.
./ Mien Dong Bus Station:
292 Dinh bo Linh St, Ward 26, Binh Thanh Dist, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (08) 3899 4056; (08) 3898 4441; (08) 3898 4442; (08) 3898 4893
Another way: you can take Mailinh bus, Phuong Trang bus, Thanh Buoi Bus to Nam Cat Tien. You stop at Ta Lai corner. Frem there, you can take a motor taxi (xe om) to Nam Cat Tien Namtional Park. If not, you can contact with Nam Cat Tien National Park ((+84.61).3669227 - (+84.61).3669228) to pick you by car.
From Da Lat
You can buy a ticket to Nam Cat Tien National Park: Mailinh bus, Phuong Trang bus, Thanh Buoi bus…
At the Ta Lai coner. turn right. After 24km, you see Nam Cat Tien Namtional Park.
• Mailinh Bus
Add: 64 - 68 Hai Bà Trưng, P.BN, Q.1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
Booking ticket: 08.9292929 (Tp.HCM) or some branch of Mailinh Bus.
Mai LinhBus at Da Lat
Add: 14 Nguyen Van Cust, Ward1, Da Lat.
Tel : (84.63) 542 888 Fax : (84.63) 571 999
• Phương Trang Bus
Add : 274 - 276 De Thamst, Pham Ngu Lao Area, Dist1, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel : (08) 3920 6564 - Fax: (08) 3920 6571
Phuong Trang at Da Lat: 11A Le Quy Don st, Da Lat.
Tel: 063.3585858
• Thanh Buoi Bus
Add: 266-268 Le Hong Phong st, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (08) 38306306 - 38308090
Thanh Buoi at Da Lat
Add1: 5 Lu Gia St
Add2: 55 Phan Bội Châu St.
Tel: (063) 3540540 – (063) 3837838.
Daily tour
You can book tour at some travel agency in Pham Ngu Lao Area to Nam Cat Tien National Park.
. Camping (tents): You can use your tent or hire at reception desk (Price from 80.000 dong - 200.000 dong). There are some kind of tent : for 1 people, 2 people, 4 people, 15 people.
. Groupie Room (Hostel)
. Standard Room: Fan room, Con-air room,… The lowest price is 100.000 dong/room/night. The highest price is 350.000dong/room/night. Single room, double, twins…
. Groupie Room (Hostel)
Facilities: Fan, Bed, Toilet (out room)… This room is large, it could contain 15 people (15 beds).
Price: 30.000 dong/pax/night. Standard Room: Fan room, Con-air room,… The lowest price is 100.000 dong/room/night. The highest price is 350.000dong/room/night. Single room, double, twins…
There are 2 restaurants in Nam Cat Tien National Park.
You can contact Nam Cat Tien Office to book tour travel around Cat Tien National Park. It's exciting.
Contact to Nam Cat Tien National Park:
Tel: (84).61.3669227; 61.3669228
Fax: (84).61.3669159
There are 2 restaurants in Nam Cat Tien National Park.
You can contact Nam Cat Tien Office to book tour travel around Cat Tien National Park. It's exciting.
Contact to Nam Cat Tien National Park:
Tel: (84).61.3669227; 61.3669228
Fax: (84).61.3669159
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