Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Whoever said “Eat in moderation” was terribly mistaken

I don't know about you but when someone mentions the word "Christmas", food's the first thing that comes to my mind. I'd be a total hypocrite if I say "Christ was born that day." Hey, I'm a believer but my past Christmases were all about food! Really. Since childhood, it was part of our family tradition that no matter how shitty we are financially, we still celebrate. No matter how simple it is, as long as everybody in the family's in one good piece, it's worth celebrating. It is worth eating.

So if you are someone who got used to stuffing your stomachs with God knows what on Christmas, what would you do if you'd get 8 Christmas party invitations this week and expect another 3 next week? Resist? I won't. So high-fatty foods and an impending bulging tummy, bring it on! After all, I only get to eat this much once a year. MODERATION.

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