Minggu, 29 November 2015

Bian Lian Art Changing Faces

The performing arts to be something special. Through a strict tradition, he passed down from generation to generation within the family. Those who have studied it will be able to change the makeup in just seconds. This is the art from the Chinese mainland, known as bian lian, an art changed the face!

Another Bian (face-change changing face) is an opera (drama) in ancient China. An important part of Sichuan opera performing arts in the city named Cheng Du in Sichuan Province of China.

This show is very special, because players who master the techniques and art of bian lian can change the appearance of the face within seconds on stage in front of the eyes of a visitor. They can make changes to it many times, in just one minute.
Bian Lian Art Changing Faces

The players bian lian usually paint their faces with the colors of striking into a kind of mask. The appearance is also supported by the colorful costumes. When the show takes place and requires a change of expression that describes the feelings, emotions and situations encountered in play, then the player bian lian with such lightning speed to delivery with paint colors different face. Even faster than the eye's ability to see the changes that occur.

Only the graceful movement of a hand or a little body movement, a nod of the head or an instant turn, the players bian lian can change their makeup.

Traces of History
Bian lian was already known at least since 300 years ago during the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795) during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. He became close with the performing arts tradition of a family.

Initially, bian lian is a traditional street performing arts prevalent in the region of Sichuan. Early generation who mastered the technique bian lian use their ability to earn a living and street performances this public interest, so it is always crowded watchable.

Because of its special, opera begin to look bian lian to be merged into a staging. Then bian lian was exhibited in a special room along Sichuan opera performances. Bian lian techniques are used to represent the feelings, thoughts, emotions and expressions of the characters in a play. Sichuan opera and bian lian then fused and almost inseparable longer the art of opera performing arts are able to amaze the world.

In the tradition of the owner of the "science" bian lian, these techniques will be passed down to their sons and not in women. Ancient traditions are strictly prohibits the art bian lian passed on the "outside". By doing so, the art of such copy remains a family secret that is maintained from generation to generation. Each family who inherited the techniques bian lian has peculiarities of its own. They keep it tight family heritage, thus becoming a kind of mystery bian lian art sustainable and not generally known.

World known
Name Cai Shao Bo is known as the master (professor) bian lian. He served as deputy chairman of the union of Sichuan opera at Cheng Du, who is widely known as a player bian lian most astute. Within a minute, Bo master capable of such maternity 10 times!

Bian lian began widely known in the performing arts around the 1920s - 1930s. At that time, a master bian lian named Kang Zilin was crowned as "god" in the Sichuan opera bian lian mixing techniques.

The famous story in Sichuan opera that time is of the "hero" who became a fugitive. In the play, Kang Zilin had to change the face and identity as much as nine times in one scene. Because according to the story, he had the usual disguise and to escape from government forces. From this technique applied bian lian able to amaze the audience. Then bian lian was adopted in Sichuan opera performances.

Since the staging, bian lian a warm conversation in Sichuan, even spread throughout mainland China. However, the famous Sichuan opera and art bian lian to mainland Europe and most of Asia, precisely on the show "Legend of the White Snake" (White Snake Legend).

In the opera performances, the techniques used when figures bian lian monk Fa Hai would crush the white snake driven by a group of soldiers from the sea (crab, shrimp and fish) led white snake.

In the original version, in fact Fa Hai using "mustika" a sort of golden bowls giving the Buddha to crush the white snake. But in Sichuan opera version, golden bowl was symbolized as a boy. On this play, the boy bian lian applying the technique to change the color of the face as much as eight times that of black, red, blue, white, yellow and so on. The process of rapid change in the color of the face makes the world gasped in awe.

From this Sichuan opera with his technique bian lian then often invited to perform their opera in many countries! Then bian lian became popular almost all over the world as a stunning performance art. But now it became a separate performing arts and more famous than Sichuan opera.

Uncovering the Mystery Art Bian Lian
A stage opera performances in the city of Cheng Du in Sichuan Province, the PRC began to fill with spectators. Like the hum of bees, they were waiting for the famous Sichuan opera performances with techniques bian lian. When the player with the old-fashioned costumes are colorful decorated with the face following a variety of vibrant colorful paint marching on stage, the noise suddenly silent.

Performances bian lian began. Looks players swing with orchestra accompaniment. Then just move the sleeve across the face, their appearance has changed. Followed by scenes of body movements and facial color changed again. So just by moving the head, the face of the player that was once again changing rapidly.

Boisterous spectators clap in awe that inexhaustible. The player then smiling with head movements and their faces changed again. Then the players took to the stands and greet the audience forefront, along with the face of ongoing changes. Increasingly fascinated spectators. Imagine, in just over a distance of one meter, they were struck with paint changes the face of the player in the eyes of their own with very sudden.

That's fine art bian lian copy is done. Only by a small movement, players are able to labor in such. This is a high level of art that is not arbitrary people can practice it. How exactly is it done in such a copy?
Later, the mystery slowly began open. Some analysis of art and technique of performing bian lian states that there are three basic techniques in the art of bian lian. The first blew his face, wiping the face, and a third pulled a face.

The first technique, a face blow. Done using the auxiliary media in the form of a container (a kind of bowl) that can store flour or powder colors such as gold, silver, black, white, red and others. Color powder in this container will be blown quickly, so it is attached to the face that has been whitewashed some sort of special oil, so that in a short time has changed the face of the player.

The technique is seen in the play of the Sichuan opera on the story of an army commander named Zi Du. When their forces would win the war against the enemy, he planned the murder of the commander. So there is a chance on the battlefield, he then killed the commander. This was done for the sake of fame and treasure name.

The troops then returned to the palace and the emperor were happy over the victory of the battle held a welcome party. Zi Du receiving praise worship evidently felt guilty and his heart was not calm. The commander's face haunted him. As he will be drinking wine in orgies, he saw the face of his commander there.

To demonstrate the expression of the shock and emotion, actor Zi Du maternity sudden appearance and his face changed color to paleness. Techniques used are prepared to blow the powder in his drinking cup. Then occur again until pale with the same technique.

The second technique is wiping the face. This is done with a hand gesture as if wiping the face. Makeup beginning they had indeed been prepared with a color that can be removed quickly. Several colors are overwritten in several layers. We will change the face of the first, rubbed the top layer, so that the colors underneath. Moment of change, the two colors are removed again to bring out the color underneath, and so on.
This technique is done quickly in a subtle unconscious movement of spectators.

This facial swab technique ever applied in the play Wang Kui. This story about a husband who live hard. He then supported his wife to go to school to the capital. He also
went to town and finish school and then got a job in government. But when success has been achieved, he forgot in his efforts. He even married the daughter of the prime minister. His wife in the village who heard her husband remarries then frustration and hanged himself to death.

The guilty husband became very agitated. Suddenly one night, his spirit haunts. The man was surprised and wiped his face several times. At that time, his face changing from pale green to pale white to ultimately participate die instantly.

This technique uses the current way of wiping the face shows the movement of fear and surprise. During the episode frightened, always hand across the face and bring changes in the face several times.

The third technique is attractive face. This is a technique that is the most difficult of the two previous techniques. How this is done by actor bian lian truly expert. Previously prepared a number of coating the face of a very thin material (now used thinnest silk). In the silk mask sheet, painted faces will be displayed. Then each given a silk string subtle but powerful. These ropes fastened to parts of the body such as the hands, shoulders, hips and elbows. With certain movements when the copy in such a rope attached to it would be withdrawn player, which raises the face of rapid change.

Then each layer glued to the face using adhesive agent that is accurately measured. Should not be too much or too little. Errors in installing the adhesive can damage art and humiliate the players and the opera.

Although technically be described as, in practice, the art bian lian not that easy. It takes discipline and adequate mastery of technique, astute and nimble like a magic trick illusion that perform fast movements exceeds the ability of the eye to analyze. Performing arts truly stunning!

Controversy about the "Outsiders"
Bian Lian has strict rules in any particular family generations who inherited the art from their ancestors. For hundreds of years, the art passed down in a family environment only. Bian Lian was not allowed to be taught to people outside the "blood lines" of the family.

A controversy about bian lian never surfaced since seven years ago. When an heir bian lian art finally received actor Andy Lau as a pupil. Professor was touted as Deng Peng Huai. The decision to teach bian lian told Andy Lau classified as "outsiders" that turned out to provoke strong reactions and public debates.

However, now Andy Lau has mastered the skill bian lian at a cost of about 3 million yuan. But Andy Lau not only learn the tricks and master of science. Likewise, according to reports circulating, the record for the fastest Andy Lau is able to face labor 6 times in one minute.

While students school Chen Yang Yi (woman) in June said that Andy Lau only mastered the trick generally only and have not yet reached the stage of a master.

While Yang Yi has mastered the science of higher and able to do 7 times
labor faces in one minute.

Then another newspaper circulating that other women have also been studied bian lian, namely a girl named Candy Chong Malaysian derivatives. He was quite popular as a woman who mastered bian lian, an art he learned from his father.

Presumably hard rules about bian lian now beginning left behind as time advances. Likewise, the controversy is still a matter of debate. Do bian lian is free to be learned like any other performing arts, or be retained in any family line from father to son and descendant next man? Could someday lian building is no longer a special secret?

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