Minggu, 27 September 2015

Know characteristics of the Healthy Child Physical and psychological aspect

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the characteristics of healthy children not only in terms of physical, but also in terms of psychological and socialization aspect.There are nine characteristics of healthy children in terms of physical, psychological and socialization. What are they?
First, characteristics of children Seha t is generally characterized by a good that can be seen from the increase in weight and height regularly and proportionally.
Second, the nature of other healthy child is the level of development according to age level, appear to be active or agile and happy and clean and shining eyes.
Third, the child was in good health and good appetite. As well as the lips and tongue looked fresh.Breathing is not malodorous.
Fourth, the skin and the hair looks clean and dry and easy to adjust to the environment.
Well, simply put, a hallmark of healthy children can be seen in terms of physical, psychological, and socialization as body healthy and normal physical growth. If the terms of the psychic, the soul of healthy children develop naturally, thought to grow smart, sensitive and feeling increases willingness bersosialisasinya well.
Meanwhile, in terms of socialization, children should appear active, agile, and happily and easily adjust to the environment.

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Related : Know characteristics of the Healthy Child Physical and psychological aspect

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